The subtle energy system
The spine is the receiving antenna from the energy of the universe.
Energy converts into matter at the speed of light.
Energy is captured in our body through the nadis.
Nadis, are pathways in which energy travel within our tissues that run on each side of the body, there are 12 major meridians
In the Hindu system, 7 chakras are studied, in Sanskrit they are called wheels of energy, and they rotate constantly like a clockwise.
Each chakra has a different vibration, speed and frequency, but they work harmoniously. They works with an endocrine gland.
Inside our body, cells that vibrate with energy are configured, emotions and thoughts also vibrate.
Within the cells there are millions of molecules and within the molecules, there are atoms made up of electrons that rotate in the center of them, there are electrons and neutrons.
Quantum energy is the most subtle and profound thing that exists in the body and in the universe. Inside our body it is called quarz, photons, the smallest thing that exists in the entire universe.
This molecular structure will always work harmoniously in perfect synchronicity, but due to genetics, thought patterns, beliefs, environment, etc., the molecular structure can change.
The body is made up of millions of atoms, it is up to us how to use it through emotions, thoughts, and words.
If the emotions, feelings and thoughts are in the same harmony, the physical body will work well, it depends on the functionality of our chakras,
We are the energy receivers of the universe and the spine serves as a receiving antenna.

Picture shows unbalanced chakras with blockages
We are like energy batteries, the negative pole is the 1st chakra, base chakra, the positive pole is the crown chakra, the 7th.
It depends on the entire electromagnetic flow of the body to function properly.
These energy points plus the 265 nadis work constantly together and form creating the shape of a bubble, auric energy, quantum energy where thoughts and belief patterns are immersed,
The energy of the universe ensures that our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body works optimally.
Depending on how the chakras work, this is how the auric field will be.

When you wonder what the aura is and what it does, you should know that it is connected to the chakras and reflects the situations we face. The aura is represented as a halo of colored light emanating from the body.
The clarity of our aura depends on our level of consciousness: the higher it is, the clearer our aura will be. Conversely, if we are faced with difficult situations, our aura will be unbalanced and appear darker.
This multi-layered “halo of light” that surrounds a person in all directions, normally extends up to 1 meter from their physical body but can be much greater in people with good physical vitality, mental clarity, sensitivity and who has a higher level of consciousness.
You can see a range of seven colors that will change according to the emotions, thoughts, feelings, actions, lifestyle of each person.

In Person and Virtual mode:
Chakra - Aura Balance
- Session time: 1 hour
How works in virtual mode:
Treatment can also be received remotely. By entering a series of data into the device, including address, date, place of birth and name, the interface emits a personalized and localized frequency.
It’s the same way cell phones work.

7 Chakras:
First Chakra-Root or Base chakra, Muladhara in Sanskrit
Color: Red
Physical locate: between the coccyx and the anal structure. Works with the Adrenal, Endocrine Glands. They secrete adrenaline and cortisol.
Associated with: Grounding, sense of security and safety, survival
Where imbalance may can cause imbalance: sciatica, hips, legs, knees, feet, low back, kidney, adrenals, circulation of legs, immune disorders, eating disorders.
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause: fear, anxiety, stress, insomnia, hiperactivity, mental fatigue.
Second Chakra-Sacral chakra, Svadhisthana in Sanskrit
Color: Orange
Physical locate: placed in the structure of the genitals. It works with the Gonadal Endocrine Glands. Reproductive organs, urinary track, hormones
Associated with: relationships, sexuality, awake emotions, creativity, power
When show imbalance may can cause imbalance: Low back pain, lower abdomen, disorders of the sexual organs, urinary problems, menstrual issues, sexual repression, prostate problems
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause mood changes, shame, guilt, repressed sensuality, without desire for anything, infertility.
Third Chakra-Solar plexus chakra, Manipura in Sanskrit
Color: Yellow
Physical locate: placed between the navel and the base of the sternum. It works with the Pancreas Endocrine Gland. Stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, spleen, appendix, gallbladder
Associated with: power, confidence, self-esteem, courage, trust, “gut feelings,” action, vitality, intention
When show imbalance may can cause: acid reflux, fatigue/exhaustion, gall bladder issues, adrenal issues, irritable bowels,, inflammation, diarrhea, constipation, ulcers.
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause anxiety, feeling a need to control, lack of confidence, feeling like empty or losing personal power.
Fourth Chakra-Heart chakra, Anahata in Sanskrit
Color: Green
Physical located: This chakra is placed in the center of the Chest. It works with the Thymus Endocrine Gland. Immune system, chest, upper back, lungs, blood, lymphatic system
Associated with: Love, compassion, giving and receiving, forgiveness, intuition, high frequency of love
When show unbalanced it can cause “Heartbreak,” asthma, pneumonia, congestive heart failure, heart attacks, inability to empathize or sympathize
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause sadness, insecurity, melancholy, grief, resentment, guilt, inability to empathize or sympathize
Fifth Chakra-Throat chakra, Vishudda in Sanskrit
Color: Blue
Physical located: This chakra is located in the neck, between the collarbone and the larynx. It works with the Thyroid and Parathyroid Endocrine Glands. Respiratory track: nose, mouth, throat, larynx, pharynx, lungs, bone structure: joints and muscles. Nervous system.
Associated with: Self-expression, choice, communication, creativity
When show unbalanced it can cause Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), sore throat, gums and teeth, aphonia, polyps, addiction, thyroid issues, swollen glands, neck or cervical pain.
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause having can’t express, judgment towards others or oneself, criticism, indecisions, lies.
Sixth Chakra-Third eye chakra, Ajna in Sanskrit
Color: Indigo
Physical located: This chakra is placed between the eyebrows. It works with the Endocrine Gland: Pituitary or Hypophysis. Brain, eyes, ears
Associated with: consciousness, intuition, wisdom, perception, open-mindedness, psychic abilities, sixth sense.
When show unbalanced it can cause learning disabilities, seizures, brain tumors, strokes, headaches, migraines, deafness, blindness, sleep regulation, dizziness, paranoia
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause depression, anxiety, mood changes, frustration.
Seventh Chakra-Crown chakra, Sahasrara in Sanskrit
Color: Violet, sometimes white
Physical located: This chakra is placed between the eyebrows. It works with the Endocrine Gland: Pineal. Immune system, sleep cycles, serotonin.
Associated with: Spirituality, higher love, inner guidance, wisdom.
When show unbalanced it can cause Nervous system imbalances, chronic exhaustion, sensitivity to light and sound
Emotionally when unbalanced it can cause depression, lack of empathy, feeling disconnected or empty losing faith.